TẾT 2024 Packaging

Tết, the Lunar New Year, holds a significant place in the hearts of the Vietnamese people. It's a special time for all Vietnamese folks to come together, reconnect with loved ones, exchange well wishes, and share gifts as they welcome the new year.

In the days leading up to Tết, a festive atmosphere filled the air as people all across Vietnam eagerly embarked on their  Tết shopping adventures. They browse for Tết items like flowers, decorations, and traditional foods, ... Afterward, they transport them on their trusty motorbikes, loaded with boxes of refreshments. As you witness that magical moment, you can feel Tết drawing near. 
We eagerly began brainstorming ideas for a unique Pepsi packaging to celebrate the Year of the Dragon in 2024. We continue to embrace the Unicorn symbol, a cherished emblem of joy that has been with Pepsi throughout the years. This year, we have also incorporated the Dragon symbol, resulting in two delightful packaging options.

Upon closer inspection of the packaging, we designed a charming blue section on the right side. Its purpose was to draw attention to the message ‘MANG  TẾT   VỀ NHÀ’ (BRING TET HOME) and create the illusion of delightful gift boxes to exchange with loved ones. This design not only features the Golden Unicorn & Dragon, but also captures the essence of Tết and the warm feeling of being at home.

The elements are meticulously arranged in a captivating layout. Each cluster of details captures the vibrant and dynamic atmosphere.

The use of a gold gradient color on the petals adds a touch of premium sophistication to the packaging.

Millions of Pepsi Tết packagings are proudly transported across Vietnam, from urban to rural areas, from the North to the South. They find their place on shelves in local stores and supermarkets, waiting to be bought and taken home as a meaningful gift for the New Year of the Dragon.

💥 🐲 💥

Client: Pepsi
Year: 2024
Creative Agency: Ki Saigon
Creative Director: Kumkum Fernando
Creative Planner: Indraneel Guha
Associate Creative Director: Chungg Hoàng
Account Manager: Quang Nhật
Lead visualizer: Luongdoo 
Supporter: Chung Hoàng / Huỳnh / Hồng / Huy / Uri / Lê
Photography: Thuật Võ
Scope of work: Packaging Design

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